domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Price of Games in Brazil

Sometimes I see people on the internet , that lives in the US or Europe that complains about the price of U$:60.00 for new game releases, very well, but what these people think about the price of U$:120.00 (R$180.00) of new game releases here in Brazil? That’s because of the high rates of importation, estabilished by the brazilian government.
 For this reason, in Brazil most gamers buy “pirate games” (games copied without permission) or download them via internet to make their own copy. These “pirate games” coasts something like U$:5.00 or U$:6.00, a more fair price by the way, compared with the original ones here. But they weren’t able  to hack the PS3 system to make these pirate games on the PS3, because it uses Blu-Ray disc (at least not yet), as they did with every other console, them the gamers that were used to buy games by low prices, now faces high prices on the PS3. And since they were able to hack the Xbox360, many brazilian gamers turned to the Microssoft’s console.
But what is really crazy are the pirate patchs they made from games like GTA, there’s: GTA Batman, GTA Sonic, GTA Dragon Ball and GTA Spiderman, these are very bad made patchs  for the GTA San Andreas, where you play with the appearance of the characters of those franchises, but the game itself is the same.
 I buy PS3 games, but lately, I wait sometime before buying, so the price drops, because if I don’t wait and buy every new release that I want, soon I wom’t have money to buy food(^^). So gamers on the US and Europe be happy to pay U$:60.00 on a new game, while we Brazilians struggle with our prices.

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